FizzBin with no ifs, ands, or buts.

Today at my current client, there was some disagreement over the scoring of job candidates’ FizzBin solutions in the code test portion of the interview. They are allowed to use whatever language they choose but almost everyone does the same thing. Grayson Koonce has a good explanation of the problem with his evolving solution in Go. I decided to do the exercise myself but with extra constraints. I wouldn’t use any conditionals.

Continue reading “FizzBin with no ifs, ands, or buts.”

List comprehensions in Perl (almost)

[I wrote this about two years ago and waited for some inspiration that would make it a little better. That inspiration never showed up. In the new year I’m cleaning out all the draft articles though.]

I went off to see what list comprehensions are all about. Lately I’ve run across several bits of Python I’ve wanted to use. I don’t mind Python so much but I’m certainly rusty; I spend some time on StackOverflow where I run into the term “list comprehension” quite a bit. They sure like whatever that is so I went off to investigate. Someone might want one of those in Perl, hence the click-baity title of this post (a better one might be “12 Ways to…”). Continue reading “List comprehensions in Perl (almost)”